Does your Child sulk if she doesn’t get her own way? What can you do to prevent this?

What can you do when your child sulks? It will normally happen when she doesn’t get her own way, so you need to teach her that it is not good to do this. It may lose her friends or opportunities in the future so it is vital for you to change this behaviour.

As soon as your child starts to sulk, you need to distract her. Do this by talking about or doing something positive and enjoyable which your child loves hearing about. Make sure she sees and hears what you are doing.

If she doesn’t react at first, keep going, as the more she hears about what you are doing and saying, the more interested she will become. Eventually she will forget all about what she is sulking about, and become engrossed in what you are doing and saying.

This is a very important lesson that you can teach her. She will learn that there is always something else positive and enjoyable just around the corner. This will help her as she grows older, and she will be able to overcome disappointment and move on.

Once she is old enough, around 4 or 5, you, as her father, should start to explain to her why sulking is not good. She will understand, although it may take you a while to get the message across.